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-everything you want to know-


What is "Orcs and Aliens"?

Orcs and Aliens is a sci-fi/fantasy-horror literary magazine that is published by Future Fantasy Publishing. We like to focus on rising authors and artists who want to showcase their work.


How can I submit my work?

Easy! Go over to our Submissions page and check out our guidelines. Then email us at .


Can I place an ad in your magazine?

Yes, you may! In fact - please do! We encourage all types of ads for businesses, products, new books, etc. and are happy to receive your submissions! Check our advertisements page for rates and other information.


What do you mean by "demo site"? Isn't this the real thing?

Yes and no. Think of this as the prototype for the real thing. This demo site has most of the features that our real website will have (plus our website will do it bigger, better, and much cooler), but it is not our permanent location because we need our own big boy domain name like everybody else.


What else do you guys do?

Orcs and Aliens is a smaller branch of a larger vision known as Future Fantasy Publications. In addition to magazines, we plan to publish novels and release roleplaying campaigns.


Can I work for you guys? 

We are not currently offering any paid positions. However, if you are still interested in joining our staff, then it never hurts to send a query! Just email either C.N. Faust or Brian Wagner with your resume and query letter. Their contact information can be found on our Staff page. 


Where else can I find you?

You can like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for the latest in all of our updates!




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